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Writer's picture: Cindy KoistinenCindy Koistinen

*I wrote this post back in January of this year, and have kept it close to my heart to comfort me and give me strength. I feel that this is the right time to share it with the world. For my sisters.

Holy fuck.

When you don't have words to express the enormity and depth of your experience, those are the words that you choose. Well, you do when you're me anyways.

The movements playing out in the world at large are the same as the movements playing out in my small life. The macro and the micro are the same. It's all the same.

The winds of change are blowing my friends. Shit is seriously getting real.

We are waking up. Sleeping women of all races, colors, religions, professions, classes and expressions are waking up. And we are seeing that we are stronger together.

The masculine (not male) ways of being in the world are no longer serving us or this planet.

Mother Earth has been abused by a way of thinking that puts profit and progress above all else.

Now for the rise of the sacred feminine.

There has been an imbalance in the force, if I may say that. We have swung the pendulum too far and those that have a vested interest, those that have benefited most from that, they do not want the pendulum to swing back and find balance.

There is a new way being born. Birth is not easy. It's messy. It's painful. It's chaotic. It's powerful. That's why it's been medicalized and sterilized. Because giving birth is BAD ASS.

I feel it. I'm tapping into it. This shit is magic. The force the flows through us all is magic. Learning to harness it is magic. Learning to listen. To balance emotion and intuition with logic and reason. To use them both in their proper places. The power of community. Women are powerful together, but if we keep them fighting amongst themselves and worrying about their weight or their looks - they don't have the energy to see that they're being duped.

We are so powerful. And we are rising.

It won't be without resistance. It won't come without a fight. There are those that only want to look backwards to find answers because they are too afraid to trust and move into the void.

I get it. I've lived it. I had to learn to stop making decisions with my head and learn to trust my own inner compass. And when I started to do that... BAM. The whole fucking thing cracked wide open. I see the crack now. I know that the good shit is all on the other side of that crack. I KNOW IT.

I can't explain how I know it, but I do.

But being in the void before the creation is brutal. It just is.

TimesUp, but I also feel It'sTime. I feel that in every fibre of my body, every single molecule. I'm vibrating with the energy of that truth.

I know I've hit bullseye because trying to express this truth is almost impossible. It can't be described, it can only be experienced. I know what I know what I know.

The masculine way to success is to decide what you want. Set a goal. Make it big, and then set up the steps to achieve that goal. BOOM.

SCREEEEEECH. Nope. That's not my way.

My way has been to do the opposite. To get still. To stop. To listen. To surrender. To let go of things. To hang in the void. (Hating every minute of it I might add, desperately wanting to grasp at a solution, but I digress...)

Then when I was in alignment with my deep inner knowing, when the messages that were coming through to me were so persistent and so unrelenting that I couldn't ignore them anymore, I decided to act. But I didn't have a plan. I don't have a plan. I don't have a goal. I don't have a big end in mind. I just know that I have to listen to this and take the first step. It's terrifying. TERRIFYING.

Because there's no plan. No framework. Nothing. Just something trying to be birthed through me. And all I can do is surrender to it.

Holy shit. This is powerful.

Size matters not to the force. It really doesn't.

It's all the same. My little life and the life of the planet and the social movement that is happening now is all the same energy.

I am smart. I am intelligent. I do have good ideas. I am talented. I am gifted. I can use my voice in many many many capacities. I have the power to affect change. I am powerful. POWERFUL.

And when other women discover that they are all of those things too, shit's gonna get even MORE real.

I prayed to my ancestors for guidance and help. And they have delivered in spades. I cannot even begin to express my gratitude.

I am so full. I am overflowing. I am powerful. I must not forget. I must remember who I am. The world needs me.

Buckle up bitches. 2018 is my, no wait, OUR year to shine.

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